
23 2025

JEWISH JOURNEYS 2025 with keynote speaker Avraham Infeld

5:30PM - 7:30PM  

JEWISH JOURNEYS 2025 with keynote speaker Avraham Infeld
Sunday, February 23rd, 2025
5:15 pm Doors Open | 5:30 Reception | 6:30 Program
Reception includes hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Dietary laws observed.

$18 per ticket, Register Here.

Louisiana State University Shreveport, Ballroom

Avraham Infeld has served as International President and CEO of Hillel International, Director of Planning Process of Taglit Birthright Israel, Director of Hartman Institute, and was the first ever community shaliach, Israeli representative to the United States, in the late 1960’s in Baltimore. 

Born in South Africa, and a citizen of Israel since he was a young adult, he has invested a lifetime building Jewish identity and strengthening the State of Israel by instructing Jewish youth on five core principles: the Hebrew language, the Land of Israel, Jewish values, the Jewish religion and the Jewish community.

In 2017, he published the book “A Passion for a People: Lessons from the Life of a Jewish Educator.”

Presented by the North Louisiana Jewish Federation and the Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana, with additional support from several generous sponsors.

Register Here.

Interested in being a sponsor to make this event accessible for all? Please call or email the Federation office.